
Our Latest Walks Programme

Our next walk (April 18th 2024) is from Castle Donington, meeting at the Junction of Station Road and Hillside at 10:30. The walk is about 5.8 miles; more details soon.
The May walk has been moved to the 23rd but still will be from Aston on Trent.

2024 Provisional Programme

All walks are on a Thursday and we request a small donation to pay for our insurance and costs of work on the Public Rights of Way network.

Latest news and photographs about activities can be found on
our Facebook Page.

Melbourne Footpaths Group
We are a volunteer group that is concerned with maintaining, repairing and promoting the local footpath network. We run regular walks and donations from these support our practical work: clearing paths, repairing stiles, erecting and repairing signs and waymarking paths.

Members are encouraged to walk a small number of paths twice a year to check on their condition (Melbourne has 36) and report back to the group. We have regular working parties to maintain our local paths. We are always on the look out for extra pairs of hands!

Melbourne is a very popular walking centre with paths leading into rolling country through the estates of Melbourne Hall, Calke Abbey and Staunton Harold Hall. The town is close to several long distance routes such as the Ivanhoe Way, the Derby Round, the National Forest Way and the Cross Britain Way. Routes around Staunton Harold Reservoir also add to the variety of walking terrain.

We are grateful for grant support from
South Derbyshire CVS, Melbourne Civic Society and Ramblers Holidays